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Western Illinois University

Strength and Conditioning

Case Study:

Prior to introducing Teambuildr, the Western Illinois Strength and Conditioning staff delivered training programs through printed excel sheets. This resulted in a bulk usage of paper products as well as an inefficient system for making injury modifications, running progress reports, and communicating results with sport coaches. After implementing Teambuildr and going paperless, our staff has saved man hours in regards to programming, data entry, progress reports and roster management.

WIU strength utilizes Teambuildr both through the Weight Room View displayed on tablets as well as through the mobile app. Having tablets on our racks allows our athletes to quickly and efficiently interact with their programs while also improving the flow of our room. The mobile app allows our athletes to keep their programs on hand when they travel in-season and when they go home for their breaks. In addition, all of our sport coaches have access to TeamBuildr, allowing for a more streamlined communication process among departments.

As a staff of three coaches with 19 varsity sports, time is our greatest commodity. The features that TeamBuildr offers have made training our teams more time efficient and have allowed us to take our training to the next level. Without a doubt, TeamBuildr delivers a product that combines the most comprehensive programming options and the most school-friendly price point.

With 19 sports and only 3 strength coaches, TeamBuildr has been a game changing tool for how we operate our training programs and data collection.
 - David Consiglio, Director of S&C
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