With this fitness tracker software, coaches can set goals for individuals or groups (standard setting) for lifts, runs, speed/agility, circuits and bodyweight. Goals can then be used to assess athlete proficiency in different areas such as Upper Body Press, Lower Body Pull, etc.
Once a coach designates a goal 1RM or metric for an athlete or group, the individual will have access to their current max, goal and be given a fitness goal tracker on their mobile app. Using TeamBuildr's built-in 1RM formula, athletes have a chance to change their current 1RM each time they enter data for a working set, preventing athletes from having to wait till test day to see their progress and results.
Goal Setting is also compatible with the Reporting module in our fitness assessment software. If a coach groups exercises together into a tag (Eg: Lower Body Push), then the coach can see how athletes are progressing in different strength areas. The end result is the ability to emphasize gains in different areas and identify strength imbalances.